Shad Roe

I was lucky enough to “score” a set of shad roe yesterday, and sauteed it up last night.

Louise said “the way your Mom cooked it was better.”

I was a little shocked, I am not sure she has ever said that before, Mom was not that great a cook. But I thought about it, I can visualize the way she served it, and I think bacon and onions were involved. I had dipped it in flour, then eggs, then bread crumbs and scorched it good 3 minutes per side in an iron skillet. I thought it was wonderful but compared to Mom’s it was kind of subtle. And Mom’s didn’t have any kind of crust, you could see the tiny eggs when she served it.

What do YOU do when you are lucky enough to find shad roe? By the way, the season goes by in a flash – I have been shopping around to find more, and the place where I bought it yesterday is all sold out. So if you want to experiment get out there and buy some while you still can!

It is sitting in my cellar, becoming bottarga.


February, hm? Not here…

Burre blanc with capers and parsley; lots of roasted pancetta on the side.