SF Bay Area/Peninsula OL - July 24

Just confirming: theme is single blind, so bring foil? Any wine or should we stick to a particular region/grape/style?

Bring anything you want to share: any wine, region, vintage. Worst wine gets voted off the island. Winner gets a night in the fantasy suite with George.

Sondheim wrote a musical about that.

I’ll be there.

Just a reminder to bring stems (you’ll want them) and cash. Also, to be clear, this is Kabul in San Carlos, close to the Holly Street exit.
See you all tomorrow…

Sound off - any changes in people’s status?

Nope, still in.

Still in a bucket on the floor of the operating room with the other vestigial organs.

Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead.

Yup, still in

Guys, I’m out. Too much fun last too days. My body and my job need a rest. Enjoy!

So I updated the list - we are at 9.

We were trying to work it in, but have some friends in from Paris tonight. Bon app!!!

Still in

Still in.

Sorry I’m held up on the highway and will be there in another 10