Seeking a reliable source for saffron..

A place in San Francisco had reasonably priced saffron years ago (" onclick=";return false;), but now its close to $150 per ounce ! Ouch. Any recs from fellow foodies would be most appreciated.

Wow, prices have gone crazy! Check out some of your local Indian grocery stores. That’s where I buy mine.


Right at $100 an ounce for Iranian." onclick=";return false;

I get mine on-line from “The Spanish Table” or La Tienda, also get spanish olive oil and bomba rice from same sites.

I’m going contact this outfit next week also:" onclick=";return false;

If anyone knows about their reliability ???

Never heard of them.

At this price point, I would opt for Costco as you can always take it back and get you money back for any reason.

For those appreciating more background info:" onclick=";return false;

History of saffron" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

From the website you link, adjusted for current prices:

If you calculate saffron’s per recipe cost you will see how affordable it is. … at $[150.00] an ounce (28.35 grams), you are paying $[5.29] per gram (24 servings) or [22] cents per serving. …with just one gram of Sargol saffron you can give aromatic flavor and gorgeous yellow color to either four different recipes or one dish large enough for a big group. And you do not need to worry about buying an ounce of Sargol saffron because it has a shelf life of several years. All you have to do is keep it sealed in the beautiful tin can it’s packed in and away from light.

All valid points Robert. What is frustrating is having been able to by the very same product about 5 years ago for perhaps $60 per ounce. I will bite the bullet no doubt.

Sometime in the early 1970’s - about the time Nixon imposed price controls - I was in a grocery store with my father. Sirloin steak was selling for the absolutely outrageous price of (from memory, but this is close) $1.79 per pound! I’ll never forget what he said: “I remember when sirloin was $0.25 per pound, and I couldn’t afford it. Now I can have it every day if I wish.”

I suspect that there is more going on here than a casual assessment may lead to. Inflation took a bite. Word has it that inclement weather in at least two countries (Iran, Spain) was another factor. Add export bans in India. Add trade embargos against Iran. Add small-time exporters shipping to Spain, then elsewhere. Not to mention that saffron seems to be the Cote Rotie of the spice world re: human labor costs.

I guess I never realized how good I had it at $60 an ounce. [wink.gif]

I gather last year’s crop pretty much failed in Spain. I used to get saffron for 40p per gram until quite recently, about $20 per ounce, and there was always a huge queue of people buying it to take to India. it costs three times that at the same outlet now.