Sea Smoke: allocation sharing

Sea Smoke has come up with a way to share an allocation, which I thought was pretty clever. From their web site:

Here’s how it works:

• You may share part, or all, of any current Sea Smoke allocation with a friend (or friends)
• Any transferred bottles will be removed from your allocation and no longer available to you for purchase
• In terms of maintaining, or increasing, the size of your future allocations, you will be credited for your own purchases, as well as any purchases your friends make from the transfer

Anyone who purchases a transferred allocation will automatically be added to our Wait List, and their purchases will count towards their future allocation level once they become an Active List member.

Maybe someone else thought of this first. I just had not seen it before.

A friend and I shared a flew allocations this spring. A bunch of people frowned on this in a previous thread but it works for us.

More wineries should do this. It really is smart marketing. The current list member maintains or even increases their place on the list and possibly gains access to more of the lower production wines, while the winery gains access to interested customer contact information.

Did the allocations get announced already? Last year I was allocated on 3/23/15. So far nothing this year. Did I miss it?

I assume this is limited to friends who would be new customers - otherwise it seems one could game the allocation credits by transferring to friends, and so on in a circle, so that the purchases get double-credited to allocaitons (the giver and the recipient).

Yes. It ended about 3 weeks ago.

Suppose I’ll be emailing them. Been on the list for years and bought most, if not all, of my allocation every year and no notice, letter, email, nothing this year letting me know. How odd.

Nothing here either…have bought a few bottles every year for years.

I’d guess those are either stuck in a spam filter, got overlooked accidentally, an email address changed, or something like that. But in any case, just reach out to them, they have very good customer service.

Nothing here either. Looked like last years cut off was mid April

I believe they have multiple tranches, and the posts before convince me of that.

I just checked my account and saw no allocation that I had missed. Last year I received it in mid-April. The year before in mid-May. Presumably I have moved up the list a bit, but not enough to get in on the March allocation. Hopefully I’ll receive an email shortly letting me know what sloppy seconds are available to me.

I emailed them and Katie said that they take about 1 1/2 months to do the mailing list, so others will be coming out in the few weeks.

Same here. Katie told me it is done in tranches and a rolling basis so allocations are still being sent over the coming weeks and all is on track. Mystery solved. [cheers.gif]

And email today!

Just a quick note to let you know that the Sea Smoke 2014 vintage allocation is coming soon (May 2016). We do have you confirmed on our mailing list and your allocation will be released in May. We have upgraded some new programming this year, which delayed our start date a bit…as a result our allocation season is a bit later this year.
In the meantime, please feel free to take a moment to login to your personal membership on our website and confirm your shipping and billing addresses are accurate.
Thank you for your patience!