Sea Smoke allocation e mail received March 10, 2012

I am out. The wine does not live up to its hype.

I like it, but have a bunch in the cellar. Still trying to decide.

I like it. I have a similar allocation to some of the others (8-6-1-1), but no Botella so maybe if enough of you drop out, I’ll get some offered next year. This year I may buy a little less than my allocation strictly for financial reasons - it’s tough when so many mailers come out in one month. FYI. I had an '07 Botella the other evening and it was very nice.

hmmm. These days always looking for a reason to drop from a list and cut back on spending. Just went in to place my usual order and the one Botella I was “allocated” is now gone. Yeah, the disclaimer said some things are limited quantity. [snort.gif] deadhorse

But, this is just enough to get me to pass. I might even send my stash off to auction and move on entirely. [head-bang.gif]

I’m sticking with Roar and Sandler.

got my order in and got an allocation of the botella…

I could have told you that 5 years ago. [snort.gif]

I was allocated 6 each of the Southing & Ten, plus 2 Chards and 1 Southing Magnum, which is more than what I was offered last year.

I was allocated a Botella but didn’t order in time. Picked up a couple of Southing and a Chard for me and a Southing and 2 Ten for a friend.

Really easy pass for me.