Screaming Eagle 2022

Is it a waiting list if the wait is infinite? No-one is getting cleared from that list. The production increases are used for friends-and-family style arrangements.
The only person in my wine sphere who has a Screagle allocation got it by attending a wine dinner with some heavy hitting people, one of which was pretty high up at Screagle. Essentially he cut a 30 year “waitlist”. He has a decent sized collection of excellent wines, so they know he is a drinker/collector, not a flipper.

All of this is hearsay, rumors and anecdotes. The people who make the call don’t talk about it.

When was the last time someone got cleared from that waitlist just by virtue of time? 20 years ago?


They’re gonna say there is a waiting list because you never know what’s gonna happen but he’s right there really is none. Anyone know anyone that has gotten off the waiting list in the last five years? Surely someone has died or dropped. If spots open up, they have plenty of people They can hand it off to. And I’m sure they’re not the only ones doing that. It’s their wine they can do whatever they want

The last batch of folks moved from waiting to active mailing list was in fall 2011, for people that had signed up in 2006. I know someone moved to the active list during this time

I also know someone that signed up for the list in early 2007 and is still waiting

So it appears few, if any, new members have moved from the waiting list in nearly 15 years

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Can you fly a helicopter?

Serious question

I tried to sign up in 2000/1 and they told me they weren’t taking any new names. That was well before the big increases started coming though, so they probably didn’t think they would burn through the list ever.


I was in that batch. Can confirm.

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Yeah, I got that letter as well.

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For my taste, Screagle is better than most CA Cabs. In some years it beats a couple of the 5th growth Pauillacs that I like.


Same, I initially tried signing up in 2001. I could have sworn I got an email but could not find one, so I signed up again in 2018, which I do have an email confirmation. In the mean time, I’m paying the secondary market premium, which I’m ok with as I drink screagle once every other year.

First “pre-release allocations” available on secondary market already. 7k/3pack.

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