Screaming Eagle 2009 - What do we know about it?

I’ve gotten my first allocation of Screagle, and I was wondering was the consensus is on the 2009 Cabernet Vintage in Napa?

Mixed vintage. Not as good as 07 or 08 in general, but some wines did kick tail. I’ve not had Screagle’s 09. Did the Sauv Blanc show up in this offer?


No SB offer

Don’t do it! This ain’t Burgundy. I can name half a dozen cabs for between $100-$200 that are reliably 95+ points every vintage. At least for my palate. (However, if you’re actually filthy rich ignore everything any of us say and just do what you want. :slight_smile:

Can anyone speak to the fact that SE has 50+ acres and only releases <1000 cases/yr? Do they sell the majority bulk to other wineries? Or sell fruit? The only incident I know of SE selling to fruit was to Folie a Deux in 1996.
Say they get a measly 3 tons/acre (low for an Oakville valley floor vynd) that is 150 tons which can make almost 10K cases worth of wine. Does 90% of this juice go down the drain? I’m sure Roy P. can give us some insight.

The 09 SE was AG’s highest scoring wine IIRC (98+). That was one of the surprises to me of his first ratings of Napa. I don’t doubt it, but I don’t doubt that it is great wine.

David M
I’m not Roy but I’ll try to answer. I think the original SE vineyard used to produce SE wine is about 15 acres. They planted 35 acres a few years ago to increase production but those vines aren’t being used in the 2009 SE.

If you’re that concerned with scores AG also reviewed the 08 Dunn HM at 98+, and it’s less than 1/10th the price of Screagle. Just saying…

What do we know about SE? - It costs a sh*t load. neener