Santa Rita Hills Tasting - Bay Area - April 1

Barb from the Santa Rita Hills assoc asked me to post this here, in case anyone is interested.
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Industry Tasting

Monday , April 1 Noon to 3:00pm


301 Mission Street, San Francisco

R.S.V.P. to

A consumer tasting will follow the Industry tasting from 4:30 to 7:30. Please share this opportunity with your non - industry friends, so they too can get a taste what the Sta. Rita Hills is all about.

~ Participating Wineries ~
Alma Rosa ~ Ampelos ~ Cargasacchi ~ Clos Pepe ~ Cold Heaven ~ Dierberg ~ Dragonette Cellars
Fiddlehead Cellars ~ Flying Goat Cellars ~ Foley Family Wines ~ Gypsy Canyon ~ Kessler Haak ~ Liquid Farm ~ Longoria ~ Pali Wine Company ~ Siduri ~ Zotovich Cellars

301 Mission Street, San Francisco
We hope to see you on April 2 at RN74.

Ticket sales for consumer portion available here on our website

This sounds like it will be a fun tasting - lots of good wineries. Unfortunately for me I have a conflict and won’t be able to make it that day.