Rivers Marie Fall 2014

Order in for a mixed case!

All in

Super easy decision given the amount of no so good juice I have tasted at north of $100 in Napa Cab.

Ouch, but in.

In fo some chard

5 Panek, 4 Napa, 3 Calistoga. Ouch.

Order in!

Took all the SVD cab - was going to leave that 13th single of Panek, but then saw shipping was free. Now Will gets to send me a 1 bottle shipper - you’re welcome

Not guaranteed, but the allocations are such that the wines should be available for a week. With all the other mailers coming out and the price increase, I don’t think you need to jump on these today.

Oh no you don’t – I have 15 bottle shippers!

Hmm was in the middle of ordering and site went down. Now it is saying site down, check back later. Between this and Myriad purchases, tapped out for the month!

I tried logging in about 30 minutes ago, and the site wouldn’t even come up. I tried again just now and it says the site is down. I guess those price increases aren’t detracting people from ordering!

yep, went in to order and it’s down… I went in this morning to do it but someone called on me to speak on the conference call I was on and I forgot to go back…


I’m sure it will be up soon, hopefully our allocations will still be there.

Nice! I’ve never seen such a thing.

Funny = I ordered a six pack but was on the fence to order a 7th bottle so as to try the Sonoma Coast chard. I refrained due to the likely disproportionate increase in shipping costs moving from 6 bottles to 7.
Only in for 6, though, as my kids appreciate that their dad still thinks to reserve some money to allocate to college tuition payments.

I’d love to join this ‘free shipping party’, but the darn website is still down!

We are back up.

Thank you all for your patience and if you have any problems – please email me at will@riversmarie.com


Major problem. I don’t know what to order. Thanks. [head-bang.gif]

I took all the Chard I was offered, but had to leave some not all of the Cab on the table. My first ever college tuition bill for my son also arrived this week.

Order in for the chards.

Bought just about 1 of each because of the rave reviews I keep hearing on Berserkers. My plan is to try them over the next year so I can decide if I want the '13s.

If you could only pick one, would you buy SVD RM pinot, chard, or cab?