RIP Lux Interior

Lead singer of The Cramps.

He was 62.

No pic Leenda…

Linda this was sad news for me to hear last week, Lux was a great guy who sat down with a college kid (me) he didn’t know and shot the shit for two hours- Long time Cramps fan.

I got yer pic right here…

I was kinda depressed when I heard Lux checked out…The Cramps were one of the first bands I remember seeing at The Peppermint Lounge when I moved to New York in 1982. With a sound that was a hybrid amalgam of surf-punk, rockabilly, psychedelia and glam-rock and Lux’s love of latex wardrobe, horror movie makeup and 12" platform shoes, it’s not too surprising that they weren’t exactly embraced by Middle America, but one of my best mid-90’s roadtrip memories was when my assistant and I stumbled across a college bar one night in Cincinnati (or maybe it was Cleveland…or Columbus…I dunno, but it was definitely Ohio!) to find The Cramps playing for a $2.00 cover charge! I think the two of us enjoyed the show waaaay more than the kids that crammed into the place, and the sight of Lux climbing the 20-foot tall speaker stack in his blood-red 6" spike heels will stick with me forever…