RIP board member Lou Kessler

RIP Lou.

My thoughts go out to his family and friends. I didn’t know Lou, but read many of his posts.

As for Coad, didn’t know him either, but his posts, which were really long-form tasting notes, were unrivaled in their creativity. It’s worth the effort to search the disorder board for some of his classics.

Here’s one of Coad’s best, and Lou provides an eloquent, if too prescient, first reply:

He was a really good guy, RIP Lou.

Both great guys. Lou was a generous sweetheart of a guy. Chris, a long-time good friend who passed suddenly and too young: the most talented and creative wine writer I ever met (or read).

The linked post is the resurrection of a classic post that was originally on the Garr board.

RIP to another Berserker. Never crossed paths with the man, but sounds like he favored some good juice and great taste in shirts!