This store posts some decent pricing on-line from time to time; is anyone here willing to say something about their approach to temperature control, square dealing, customer service, and suchlike, based on experience buying from them?
Wine Legend in New Jersey is a great store (if that is the one you are referencing) and I would have no worries regarding wine storage. The owner is a very knowledgeable wine guy (staff not so much). Have only purchased in-store.
I have purchased in-store and purchased online and picked up. Never had them ship (I live 15 minutes away). I have never had any problems with bottles that indicated bad storage. The owner is in my main NJ tasting group and has led (non-commercial) tastings for us. I would recommend highly.
You should edit your first post title as well, since that is what shows up in the index. They own only the store in NJ. No store in NY. I have dealt with them for years. As others have said, the owner (Mahesh) is quite knowledgeable and personable.
There is a Wine Legend in Cherry Hill but not the same selection. The Livingston store delivery to CH for free. There’s also one in West Deptford which isn’t worth stopping at.
Yes, checked their ‘contact’ page: Livingston and Cherry Hill, both in NJ - doh!. I’ve since placed an order with them, and they are a pleasure to deal with.
Thanks again.
Thought I’d changed the title already; it looks right to me. Or perhaps we crossed.
Sorry, I should have dropped a line. You and others graciously made some very good recommendations, all of whom responded very professionally to requests for information. As it happens, my immediate need for storage has been - somewhat whimsically - overtaken by events, for the time being at least - there’s a tedious backstory I’ll tell you if we ever get to sit down over a glass. But I have a good idea of where to turn, should the need to relocate the cellar re-assert itself.