Recs for Books About Burgundy

Very unlikely - the bulk of the book is a list of who owns what plots in what vineyards, which he compiled from records in Burgundy that have since been sealed from the public. So it simply cannot be updated. Most of the rest of the book doesn’t need updating - just as good now as when it was written. Keep an eye on abebooks and grab a used copy if one comes up for a decent price.

Kramer’s book has a great outline and description of each village, informative/entertaining writing and thoughts on vineyards and is simple to comprehend. The book is outdated but still a great reference… Every time I go through it I’m just reminded that Kramer is a great wine writer…

I bought the book on a friends recommendation 4 years ago when I first got into Burgundy… I have a hard cover first edition I believe I paid $70…