I don’t want to spend more than $150, and I’d like something classically styled but preferably on the riper side that is already well into its drinking window.
In Margaux
95’ Segla was quite good
96’ needs a bit more time
for a lot less coin I liked Monbrison, du Tertre (96’)
95’ Pichon Baron
95’ Pontet Canet
95’ Lynch
but I’d wait on the 96’ Pichon Lalande
for less $$ Clerc Milon after a 2 hr decant, it never really did seem to come around though
St Estephe:
90, 95 Calon is quite good now
Wait on the 96’ Cos
Lafon Rochet has some decent lower cost St Estephe, 90, 96 were good as well
Haven’t checked in on much else except lesser years of 94’ St. Julien (Leoville Barton), I suspect the 95 is soming around.
Graves:Pessac Leognan:
Can’t go wrong w/ Smith Haut Lafitte or Haut Bailley in 96’. Had both and nice with food.
'96 Lynch Bages – changed me from a pure Napa Cab drinker to an ever growing Bordeaux fan. It was wine of the night in a Napa vs Bordeaux evening when Napa cleaned the clocks of the Bordeauxs with the sole exception of the 96 Lynch Bages. You can’t go wrong with that one.
Agree on the 1995 and 1996 Lynch-Bages recommendations. The 1995 I think will be a more fragrant and understated wine ala 1985 (my favorite Lynch-Bages of the many vintages I have tried over the years, just to let you know that is where my own tendencies are), and in the early 2000s it was just starting to emerge from its shell. Should be lovely by now.
1996 is excellent as well, fuller and a bit more lusty. Interestingly I have had this a couple of times and never found it closed as I did the 1995. Been a few years since I had one, but I would be surprised if it is not open for business as it has been pretty approachable both times I had it- and when I was not expecting it to be so generous.
I’m with Ed. I’ve had about 5 bottles of this in the last 18 months and only one of them felt a little sheepish. All others were really something nice.