Anybody ever heard of these folks?
I am a real estate guy and a Burg lover, but never had heard of them before.
Anybody ever heard of these folks?
I am a real estate guy and a Burg lover, but never had heard of them before.
a few glasses poured from a 240 euro bottle of Domaine Blain-Gagnard’s lower slope 2002 Batard proved too caramelized and kicking with the aftertaste of sherry.
Still, Larminie says he savors the caramel-infused terroir of Batard and Chevalier Montrachets.
Raider of the Lost Vine Philippe Larminie with a bottle of highly carmelized Batard Montrachet – one of the most expensive white wines in the world – that tastes like bittersweet sherry.
“No doubt the difference between honey and caramel can be oppressive to the uninitiated,”
Larminie fills his glass with Batard and tells a story. “Batard is the wine Frenchmen use to woo beautiful young women,” he says. “For us, this is a reasonably priced wine with the aroma and flavor of the perfect perfume.”
Dancer’s “Bourgogne Appellation Controlee 2009” bursts with terroir
I guess they’re not going for the savviest of customers.
WTSO was moving some of the 2008 Prince Florent a couple of months ago.
You hit the nail on the head Caude.
Personally, I like my GC white burgs to taste like a lot of things, but not bittersweet sherry.
An incompetently written article. I’ve read it twice and still can’t figure out what these men are buying wine for (resale, gifts, investment, personal consumption?–all are alluded to). I also can’t figure out why “four men go to Burgundy and buy wine” is a news story. Last but not least it was highly irresponsible for the writer to report as fact that these men had tracked down “bargains” fit for a “discerning investment portfolio” when the reported prices for most of the wines mentioned are much higher than I would expect to spend buying them stateside at retail or auction and are not remotely investment-grade wines anyway. Needless to say it needed a fact-check in other areas too, such as its implication that DRC has all of Bressandes now rather than just the Florent de Merode holding.
These guys must be planning the next Garigiste type email/mail order service targeting less than mediocre Burgs to unsuspecting Asian consumers or something.
You would have thought Bloomberg would have done better fact checking and that they could have found a much better story.
I am also confused, i read it a few times and still don’t understand this article… other than to say the chinese are inflating burgundy prices.
Possibly, but it seemed to me more like just a couple of friends who, for whatever reason, thought it would be cool to have a Bloomberg reporter write a fawning puff piece on their tasting group. Maybe they’re launching some kind of business, maybe not, who can tell from the article? Just an awful piece of reporting here.