Hey y’all,
Just curious as to what people think of Mike Smith’s Quivet offerings. I’ve never had any of his Quivet wines before and normally I wouldn’t buy a wine blind.
I’ve had the 2013 Carter Cellars wines (that’s when I was first introduced to Mike’s wines). Was phenomenal, bought a bunch right after the tasting. 6 months later, in inquiring about getting a cab tasting for his Myriad label, Mike decides to bump me up to “preferred customer” allocation for his Dr. Crane release even though I’ve never bought a bottle of Myriad before (Fantastic customer service!). I bought a bit more than 1/2 a case blind, just because I liked what he did with To Kalon fruit and I find Dr. Crane more pleasing (generally more elegant and refined vs plush core fruit punch).
TL:DR Got hooked on 2013 Carter. Bought a bunch of Myriad blind. Am I probably gonna spend even more money now?
I met with Mike in Napa back in June and tried some of his Carters. I loved them and jumped on the Myriad offering. I popped the 13 napa cab and was blown away. I’m sold on him and will be buying what I can for the Quivet Release for sure!