Quivet Cabernet release is out.

In one word:


I bought my entire allocation.

I drank the 09 at PDH in March. My notes: Drank this at a WineBerserker dinner in NYC last night. This bottle was purchased at a tasting with Mike Smith of Myriad. Perfume nose. Dark grape color. Weighty wine with a long finish. This kept getting better throughout dinner. It’s a Wow wine.

I bought two of each and will probably regret not buying more. Allocations were rather high for such low production, IMO. I imagine it’ll all go quickly. By the way, the Sauv Blanc from Tench Vineyard that was released in the spring is fantastic.

Previous vintages have all been well crafted, so this was a no brainer for me. Popped a 2008 Myriad Rutherord tonight in tribute.


My allocation went from 6 bottles earlier in the week down to 4 when I went to purchase. It wasn’t a problem because I left multiple bottles for the rest of you. I took 2 of the Kenefick.

Good choice, Dan.

Has anyone had the 2010s?

I had the Kenefick two weeks ago.

Had barrel sample last year. They were awesome. Made this year’s decision a no-brainer.

Thought I had to wait till 9am tomorrow and race against the masses, but logged in early tonight to find my allocation available. Snatched up my entire allocation!

hate this board. in for 3 kenefick and a napa. price & people are right.

same, I’m in for Kenefick and the napa!

got to taste the 10 Kenefick Syrah and the 09 Napa cab this past weekend and loved both, walked away with some of the Syrah and was waiting by my inbox for the 10 Cab offer this morning! ugh expensive week but worth it!

In for some Kenefick on my first Quivet purchase. Had originally been sticking to just buying Myriad in the past, but this thread changed that.

<hate this board. in for 3 kenefick and a napa. price & people are right.>

Same. Was thinking since they don’t ship until November I might have to go back in later and see if I can purchase more of the Napa.