PUt Together a Sweet Sherry Mini-Collection


So on a complete whim, I decided to build up a Sherry mini-collection as a whole bunch of Lustau half-bottles have been showing up all over the LCBOs in the city. Thus far, the collection includes:

  • Lustau East India Solera – a Solera blend of Oloroso and Pedro Ximenez with 122 g/L of residual sugar

  • Lustau DeLuxe Cream Capataz Andrés – This is also a a Solera blend of Oloroso and Pedro Ximenez but with 177 g/L of residual sugar

  • Lustau Moscatel Emilin – A muscat based Sherry. I know this is sweeter than the previous two but cannot find the residual sugar levels

  • Lustau Pedro Ximenez San Emilio – A Pedro Ximenez based Sherry with a whopping 431 g/L of residual sugar. No, that’s not a typo. [shock.gif]

  • Alvear Pedro Ximénez 1927 – Another Pedro Ximenez based Sherry with a “mere” 337 g/L of residual sugar.

    Geez, looking at these even the lightest of these sherries has way more residual sugar than any vintage Port or Madeira wine in my collection. We’re at icewine levels here. The Pedro Ximenez wines completely blow away the Sigalas 2003 Vinsanto which previously held the record for my sweetest wine at 300 g/L of residual sugar.

I have a sneaky feeling when I get to these they may just supplant Port as my favorite fortified sweet wine. We will see… [cheers.gif]

That’s pretty much the Lustau basic line. Not a fan of PX in general & theirs specifically. Too burnt, heavy, orange peel. Look for Alvear 500mls, their PX is like liquid brown sugar. I’m not sure how big the selection is up north but there’s lots of other stuff too.

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Wicked Cool!

Yeah, PX isn’t something I want to drink all that often. Or rather, ever. The Moscatel is probably my favorite but higher sugar levels don’t make for a better wine. After a point, the sugar makes it less enjoyable. It’s like alcohol in wine - up to a point it helps, after that it’s just adding heat.