PSA: Hwy 120 into Yosemite (Big Oak Flat Rd.) Closed due to Rock Slide

People entering Yosemite from the North or East (Sacramento and Bay Area) will need to use Hwy 140 for the indefinite future. This is not the Tioga Pass (which is closed due to snow). This involves the route between Foresta & Yosemite Valley.

Right now forecast on the road reopening is several days to several months, depending on structural damage to the road, which can’t be evaluted until the slide is cleared.

I consider Hwy 140 a better way into the park during winter, as it’s a lower elevation route. Even the very busy Spring season I generally prefer Hwy 140 due to lower traffic volume, so hopefully 120 is open by then [head-bang.gif]

I don’t know if this post helped anyone, but Hwy 120 is set to re-open in a couple days, however it will remain subject to one-way traffic controls during repaving.

Glad it’ll be open. We’re taking a west coast road trip next month that includes 3 nights of camping in Yosemite. Coming in from Monterey, so 140 is the route we’ll be taking. Glad 120 will be back so 140 isn’t a cluster F.


BTW I was in Yosemite last weekend and despite previous announcement that 120 would be partially open, it was closed. I don’t know if that was construction or snow related.

Good news for your road trip, they’ve finally gotten some snow in the high country (very much overdue) which means you should have some spectacular waterfalls by next month!

Waterfalls this year won’t last long but should be good @ least for a few weeks. So Groveland to the valley is still closed huh?

That’s what they told me on the phone a few days ago.