I was wondering…do you like when people (us) put prices in tasting notes? I for one do like it. Nothing worse than reading a note and thinking “oooh, that sounds great, I’ll give it try” only to find out that it’s an $800 bottle of wine. I personally find it helpful to know the price point. Even if not exact amount, but ball park
I think it’s a b*&l%h@t practice and I’d kick anybody’s a$$ that does it.
but I do tend to include the approximate retail in US $$$…
Not a fan of posting prices. I don’t like to give the impression that the price may have influenced my note.
Plus I don’t like people to know how much I paid for my 6L’s of 1932 DRC
Zach, get ready for the bashing. Seriously, it matters not to me one way or the other. If I like what I read, I’ll do the leg work to find out what it costs since release and street prices are often two greatly different things.
I enjoy a good lashing! To each his own I guess!
I’m drinking the wine, not selling it.
No lashing here. I like to see prices if people feel like posting them. I’d like to think that the price doesn’t really influence the note. If it does, so be it.
Rawr! Kitty’s got spunk this morning!
Like I said, what I post is an approximate retail, more or less the full shelf price. It is not what I paid for the wine, nor what you are likely to find it for in the real world.
I wouldn’t think this would influence my notes or someone else’s perception of the wine.
I don’t mind either way, unless the person comes off as bragging at how much they paid for a bottle, then I just think he/she is an ass.
I can’t remember what wine it was, but I’ve seen a note that says something like
“I dropped 125 on this bottle, but it was good, so I’m going back for a case.” Retard.
Since I drink mostly wines that I bought ten to thirty years ago, the price I paid is completely irrelevant. Besides I don’t have a record of the price I paid for a lot of wines.
To give a more complete answer it kind of depends on when and where for me. When I post notes from a gathering then I don’t bother with prices. I’m not there to make that sort of commentary on the wines just kind of give my impressions on how it all went. When I write notes for things consumed at home where I have more time to consider it then I often make a commentary on the value of the wine though not always. And obviously that is a direct commentary on the price so you might see it mentioned there. Most often for lower end wines where I think that is more important. Once you go over $40-50 then that starts to become a bit less relevant except for instance where it really stands out as a bad or really good value in comparison to similar wines at big prices.
Personally, I like seeing the current prices of the wines. If the notes I read interest me and it’s a wine I’m not familiar with, I’d find it helpful to see the price.
As regards myself, I do not post prices of the wines I drink unless I think it is a good bargain that others may want to take advantage of. Because I lack the patience and facilities for ageing wines, plus I tend to go through a lot of bottles, I buy wines with already some age on them. I do not post the prices of pricey bottles because: (1) people may get the impression that I am bragging; and, (2) those who would buy those wines most likely know more-or-less how much they would cost anyway.
I sometimes include it … usually for wines that were $30 or less. Price doesn’t affect my impression of the wine itself, but it inherenly affects my opinion of where on the QPR scale the wine lies.
Not a fan…prices can be drastically different depending on geographical location. GA for example has terrible pricing on most wines due to the distribution system in place…but If I buy it out of NYC or CA prices can be dramatically lower.
Only if its 2 buck chuck.
If I want to post the current price for a wine, I usually just check it out in wine-searcher.com
If I’m at a trade tasting and post notes, I will include the prices.
If I’m at my house crackin’ bottles with friends, prices will not be included.
If I’m smackin’ Zach’s Ass in a side alley, that will cost him a Five spot, cuz that’s how
he rolls.
This is the primary reason I do not post prices. Price variation is so wide and influenced by so many factors that I does not mean much to me. If I want the wine badly enough, I’ll find it.