Augie Hug asked me to post the info on his annual Pinot Pirates offline the Wednesday right before HdR - here’s the info:
It’s that time of year again folks! We’ll be having our kick off for a week of Rhone style wines with our traditional “Pinot Pirates” offline dinner on Wednesday April 25th at Villa Creek Restaurant in Paso Robles.
Pinot Pirates Offline
Wednesday April 25, 2012
7:00 PM
Villa Creek
Chef Tom Fundaro
$70 per person all inclusive (pre-paid)
Pinot Pirates
List of attendees:
Raquel and Augie Hug
Jaime and Myra Serna
Roger Nicolas and guest
Marc Goldberg and Maggie D’Ambrosia
Al Osterheld
Ken Zinns
Eric Lundblad
Pat and Charlie Chadwick
Mike Ripley Lotee
14 Pinot Pirates (32 seats available)
As in the past, I would like everyone to pay in advance to alleviate hassle the night of the event. Any questions please call the winery at 805-226-8022 or e-mail me at . Please send checks made payable to Hug Cellars:
Hug Cellars
2323 Tuley Ct
Suite 120
Paso Robles, CA 93446
Please note on checks “Pinot Pirates Offline”