Pork Donuts

I didn’t know Homer Simpson was Chinese??


It’s not all that different from the barbecued pork buns that you can get get in a Chinese bakery. The buns are slightly sweet.

We used to eat Pork (and other) Baos when we lived in SoCal. We haven’t found a good source for them here in Santa Fe.

I’m familiar with pork baos – there is an interesting legend, something about a dragon that lived under a bridge and wanted to be fed human heads. So they came up with the “bao” as a substitute, and everyone live happily ever after.

We’ve got lots of asian Supermarkets around here and often when I go to one of the Chinese ones I pick up a pork bao.

Funny to call it a donut though. Wonder if Dunkin’ Donuts is gonna start selling pork products here in the USA? Maybe they could make pork bagels as well, probably a big potential market there…


Just . . . can’t . . . resist.

Blueberry isn’t a flavor for a bagel; that’s a muffin.

Num, num, num

I’d eat that bacon maple apple thing (but is it a donut?)

Found a picture. “Dried Pork” Dunkin’ Donut is on the left. On the right, a “Cheese” donut.

These are from where in Chicago?

Please don’t destroy the 1 of 3 things in this world that make Bob Wood happy. [thankyou.gif]

In case you’re wondering, the other 2 are:


You can find them at La Patisserie on Argyle Street, Victor


You forgot this one, Jorge

You can find them at any Chinese bakery in Chinatown too. Or any Chinese bakery on Argyle street. They usually run about 85¢/per.

Thank you. I am back in town mid-month, and plan to grab a few.

I have a friend that owns a pharmacy in Chinatown and I’ll ask her if one bakery is better than the other. I think she once recommended one, but honestly, it pretty much tastes the same to me.

Coconut buns are also pretty yummy.


I know its sacrilege. I used to feel the same way about dim sum too. I still refuse to wait more than 10 minutes to go to Phoenix.


And while you’re there, stock up on banh mi at Ba Le and get some great pho. All within 100 yards of each other!

I’m guessing Victor is going for the “we all look alike” angle… blush