Pork and beans on toast, Italian style

So, it’s another quiet night with my Weber. What to do, what to do?
I spied these awesome thick cut pork loin chops. I decided to go Italian grill style.
Grilled on my Weber to 143 degrees. I heated some cannelloni beans with some homemade chicken stock. Chopped some sun dried tomatoes and added a bit of tomato paste. Salt & pepper and let it cook intil thickened (15 minutes). Threw in some fresh basil and placed atop the rested chop. Sided with some panne grille (toast!) from last nights homemade Italian bread. Extra virgin olive oil and done.
Alongside I enjoyed /am enjoying a 2004 Bugay Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon.
PS, the sear station on my Weber works well.
Hope your night is as good.

Nice job Mike,

Smoked some ribs and a chicken Saturday on my Weber bullet. Actually the weather has been nice here in Michigan and I think that I have grilled something almost every night. Tonight its just burgers over lump coal. I might try that pork and beans Italian style next time we do chops.


Damned if that doesn’t look good! I’m eating with my eyes.