POLL: What's Your Favorite Vegetable To Eat?

How is corn not kicking ass? You people are dead to me

Chad, have you tried growing Brandywines?

This is completely seasonal with me-

Spring - asparagus
Summer - tomatoes
Late summer - corn.
Early autumn - pumpkin/squash
Late autumn - kale (Grünkohl here - YUM!)

But, I love my broccoli, and eat it all year.

And another thing-

what about beans?

Veg, legume, yes.

Love gigantes.

SWEET POTATO ("E "Optional)!

Braised parsnips.
Pea shoots with garlic.
Maple-balsamic glazed carrots.
Pretty much any cooked vegetable with kosher salt and butter (garlic optional).

Kind of difficult to choose but I chose leafy greens since we eat a ton of them (raw and cooked). But close up there: Brussels sprouts, asparagus, artichokes, home grown tomatoes, beets, fava beans, and peppers.

Brian, you only use 3-4 onions a week in cooking? Does that mean you only cook 2-3 times a week?

Ha! Funny you should ask this, Rachel. I’ve already gone through more than one onion just today, which caused me to consider that I probably understated my weekly onion usage. It’s probably closer to 5 - 6 per week.

We eat homemade food almost exclusively (I’d guess approx. 95% of our meals), but we commonly cook extra with the goal of having leftovers for easy lunches and lazy dinners ---- sooooo, I’d guess we probably cook (rather than re-heat) dinner 4 - 5 times per week. Tonight is grilled chicken thighs and baked spaghetti squash. I imagine we’ll have a cheap Bdx. blanc to help wash it down, too. [cheers.gif]

p.s.: last night was one of our very rare nights out – celebrating a friend’s 40th B-day; we went to a small plates restaurant that impressed me, and one of the dishes that I found particularly tasty was a sauteed kale dish. I can’t recall ever having an exclusively kale dish before, but now I’m intrigued. I know there’s been lots of kale ideas bandied about here, so I’ll be seeking those out.

Watermelon. Cherries. Plums. Grapes.

Well, tomatoes and artichokes are fruits. neener

Given my state of mind today, I selected Brussels sprouts. I like them shaved raw as a salad, and caramelized with or without bacon. The latter is pretty cliché, I know. But there’s a reason for that–it’s so damn good.

If you are going to be botanically pedantic, eggplants, squashes, cucumbers, and peppers are also fruits.


My favorite vegetable to eat is corn, followed closely by leafy greens, bell pepper (any color but green, please), and asparagus.


I too am surprised that the poll excluded potatoes. I would have to think that with the popularity of French Fries, potatoes would come in high, if not first on a larger scaled inquiry.

I choose eggplant for the sheer versatility of methods of preparation. A real richness can be achieved with eggplant because of its capacity to absorb fats. One of my favorites is to used grilled eggplant cold as an improvised caponata.

I’m just messing with people who feel the need to call tomatoes vegetables.

Regarding someone who called an artichoke a vegetable, I thought this was an interesting little diddy:

Fruits are flowers at the stage of seed dispersal, after pollination, and after development of the fruit (from the ovary) and the seeds. Some fruits are eaten at an immature stage (bush beans, okra, cucumbers) and others are eaten when the seeds are mature (tomato, apple). So if we use pollination as the dividing line, then pre-pollination flowers (broccoli) would be vegetables. But even then the flowers of artichokes aren’t eaten. The part of the artichoke that is consumed is the fleshy receptacle and the fleshy bases (both sort of cream colored) of the bracts (modified leaves) that surround the flowers. And like broccoli, most of what is eaten in the artichoke are these vegetative parts associated with the flowers. So basically, the answer is artichokes are vegetable. - See more at: The Phytophactor: Artichoke - fruit or vegetable?

Broccoli is my favorite. Love leafs and shoots and most others. Very lukewarm about eggplant. Green peppers are DNPIM

Flawed poll.
All of them.

Oh, and Mr. Fleming, the pizzero up the block from me makes a killer broccoli rabe and garlic pie.

I was interpreting it as where the vegetable is the star of the dish. I definitely regard onions as far more indispensable than my vote of cauliflower. But the only time they star in my cooking is when I caramelize them. Which is great but not my absolute favorite.

For roasting, pureeing, turning into a soup, turning into a sauce, sauteeing, steaming cauliflower can’t be beat. It’s delicious on its own but melds with other flavors wonderfully.

White corn sure doesn’t kick ass around these parts. But late Summer through November we get Dry Farmed Early Girl tomatoes. They are so sweet that if i make a marinara with them I have to add lemon. The last trip or two back to New Jersey the “beefsteak” tomatoes were mediocre at best.

Opposite here…We get great corn and crap tomatoes