I have had a very frustrating experience with my 6-pack of Siro Pacenti 2004 Brunello di Montalcino. It was purchased directly from the distributor and has been stored respectfully over the last few years. Upon opening my first bottle I had a relatively good experience. Every bottle after that has been flawed in a unique way that I cannot identify.
Firstly there is white/gray streaking on the cork. I decant my wine through a mesh filter and there is some clumpy grey sediment left behind. The wine does not smell corked or bretty; it is just flat and dull. There really is no offensive quality about it, but besides a bit of acidity there are no real distinguishing characteristics.
I have had a positive experience with Siro Pacenti Brunello in my previous bottles from '97, '99, and '01.
Any idea what I am finding here? Pictures are below.
What is protein precipitation? I’ve never encountered this term.
What causes something like this to develop?
It’s just on the cork/neck? Or in the punt too?
Although not a major component, wine does have protein in it. It often causes haziness. Fining clears wine by removing protein, akin to clearing a consumme. Unfined and unfiltered wines can precipitate out if the chemistry of the wine is correct. (or incorrect depending on the point of view)
It seems to come from the cork/neck. I did not check the punt, but the wine was stored on its side, opened without standing for any length of time, and the “sediment” came out at an even pace while pouring the wine through the filter.
Sounds like they regreased the corking jaws and didn’t clean up enough of the excess. It’s food grade, but that doesn’t make up for the yuck factor. Can you return them? How many are like this?
When wine is corked below the threshold you can smell, it will kill the fruit in the wine and the wine tastes dull. This would explain why one bottle was ok and the others not.
Mmm…food grade grease. I wouldn’t have thought of that, but it makes sense.
There is no opportunity to return them, which I have come to terms with. I would say 4 of the 6 bottles were bad like this, one unharmed, and one that had this issue to a lesser degree.
I’ve also seen one CellarTracker review that references the same issue.
That makes sense for the flavor profile, but then I would have to accept that at least 4 of the 6 bottles were corked and unfortunately does not explain the gross sediment.