I will be pouring for the first time ever at a Pinot Days event. We are going to be pouring a couple of wines. I was wondering if anyone had come up with a definitive Berserker ID pin. If so, thought perhaps I would bring a bottle or two for the “under the table” pour. Anyone?
I usually go to Pinot Days in SF and was planning to go this month but bottling recently got rescheduled to the same day so unfortunately I’ll miss it. Always a fun event and well worth going if you’re in the SF Bay Area - it will be Saturday 6/18. Sorry I’ll miss you and your wines there, Jim.
I’ll be pouring at PinotDays as well. Great idea about the Berserker Pin…I’l have some bottles under the table as well. Hopefully I’ll be able to sneak away from my table for a bit, if I can I’ll stop by and say to say hi and taste your wines Jim. Woo Hoo.
We signed up for this years after taking a few years off. Change to the family schedule made us cancel. Hope to be there next year.
Always a great event and Steve and Lisa work hard to make it a memorable one for all involved. This event has staying power and remain s relevant, something not easy to do in the wine biz.
I always enjoyed attending the event when I worked for Fess Parker; alas, I don’t make any pinots so will not be there . . .
But I will be around the weekend before for the Rhone Rangers tasting Stop on by and say hi!
I’m pouring. Feel free to use discount code KNDSF16 to get 20% off tickets.
PD looks like it has regained some momentum. Pinot Days: the easy way to wine A few big names have rejoined the lineup and a few other big names are new. The most intriguing of the newcomers is Maison Ilan. A lot of the fun of PD is in trying the under-the-radar wineries, but after all the controversy here, MI is going to be a must-try for me. Here’s a sleeper pick that I never see mentioned here – Atlas Wine Co. Their Agnitio wines from the Sun Chase vineyard showed spectacularly at the Petaluma Gap tasting last year. I’d probe for an under the table chard from them.
Roadhouse Winery (me!) will be pouring.
Here is a link to some pictures of the new location, which appears to be an improvement:
Wow. I wish I was still in SF for this. I would never buy a Maison Ilan wine on principle. But I’d also really love to taste a few. I’ve been curious for a long time.
Just curious if anyone as any tasting info on Chenoweth pinot?
Yeah, I tasted them, and traded him for a bottle of his Green Valley.
I really, really liked them. No notes tho, but def not AFWE.
I also tried board (ahem) darling Maison Ilan, which were quite approachable. Mr Walker was very nice.
Really curious to hear how the event went in general. I know it was a new location and I heard from one winery that it was a bit ‘challenging’ - tough to find parking close by; tough if you were not in the main room; sound echoed for them so it was very loud and tough to have a conversation.
I’m hopeful it was a fantastic event in general as I dig Steve and Lisa and have always enjoyed pouring at this event when I worked elsewhere.
I was probably more enthusiastic about the Maison Ilan lineup than this. I thought it was really good – one of the highlights for me. Patricia Green was new to me and very impressive. I always like Ladd, and the chard addition to the lineup was outstanding. WOTD for me was the 2011 Hallberg PN from Scherrer.