Pinot days 2012

Anyone going?

Oh yeah, can’t wait - this is a Great event for Los Angeles.

We’ll have fancy under the table Sojourn wine snacks available - just say the very special code word “WineBerzerkers” and we’ll be happy to share!

Wes will be there.

I’ll be pouring, along with help from fellow Berserker (and our label designer) Robert Yamada and his wife Carlin [drinkers.gif]

Hopefully you’ll have the table plastered with all your huge ratings again!!


Will the table be plastered, or the occupants??? [wow.gif] [wow.gif] [cheers.gif] [cheers.gif]


Just for you Todd, since I KNOW how MUCH you love scores flirtysmile

I was hoping you were printing up a ‘Loring Scores’ shirt, which would fit perfectly with ‘Loring Spray’.

Loring Sprays…Loring Scores!!

Loring Sprays…Loring Scores!! Loring WINS!!! [rofl.gif] [berserker.gif]

I’m pouring. Look for the large crowds gathered around Ken Brown and Kenneth Volk – that void in between them will be in front of my table. Actually, there is likely to be a void behind the table as well, since I spend as much time sneaking off to taste as I do pouring.
Any consumers planning on attending should know that they can get 10% off tickets with discount codes available from any participating winery. Feel free to use KNDRSC12.