double snort!! good show!
Anyone else that does not find this amusing, but instead, finds it rather nasty?
Too much obsession over another human being.
I do get tired of wine bloggers and writers trying to make a name for themselves off of Parker rather than doing their own good stuff and writing about it. Its easy to tear apart, far more difficult to build something up.
I have to agree with every part of this. And, that’s coming from someone that has lost nearly all respect for Parker.
But, the subject has been pretty well beaten to death in the wine geek world and most of us know the situation and have our opinions. I know it has saved me $99/yr. and wine is a lot more fun now.
I agree. We need to lay off of Parker…so we can focus our efforts on Michel Rolland!
In the inimitable words of Sgt. Hulka…Lighten Up, Francis.
Get a life, find something productive to do, have a glass of good wine, and enjoy… Life is too short to waste it on empty negativity.
+1 to all the above. Right there is three wasted minutes of my life that I’ll never get back.