I’m sitting at a hotel bar this week. Guy walks up and says, “four glasses of Port, please.” Girl looks at him like he’s got three eyes. I lean over and ask the guy, “you’re a Port drinker?” He says, “of course, I’m from Portland.”
Give me a little more color here – was he just cracking a joke, or did he actually think Port came from Portland (despite being himself from Portand)?
Sounds like he was just being funny
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Yeah, sounds like a solid joke.
Pretty sure he was joking but also pretty sure he wanted to drink Port. He settled on Macallan’s 18. We had a brief discussion about Portlandia before he went back to his table. The regular bar tender (who is a serious conspiracy theorist BTW) had stepped out for a smoke so I think someone from the back was covering for him. Nearby SFO…
It worked because he got a solid laugh out of me.
I’m not following…
I had some guy come into the bar last night where I was working and in front of an entire bar full of beer and spirits ask me “Give me a shot?”
I ask him… "Seriously, you want ME to give you a shot (as I glance over the entire shelf of spirits)
I said to him you should think a little and then I will take your order.
he then orders a Glenlivet neat…
Whew, I’m glad my name’s not Bud.
Did you put it that way? “You should think a little and then I will take your order?”
Yup I have been bartending off and on for 10 years, and when you come into a bar you should know how to order. End of story
I was going to offer him a shot of Chartreuse and Drambuie but I thought that would be patronizing.
Mike Reff:I had some guy come into the bar last night where I was working and in front of an entire bar full of beer and spirits ask me “Give me a shot?”
I ask him… "Seriously, you want ME to give you a shot (as I glance over the entire shelf of spirits)
I said to him you should think a little and then I will take your order.
he then orders a Glenlivet neat…
Did you put it that way? “You should think a little and then I will take your order?”
Yup I have been bartending off and on for 10 years, and when you come into a bar you should know how to order. End of story
I was going to offer him a shot of Chartreuse and Drambuie but I thought that would be patronizing.
And follks should know how to order wine at a wine bar as well.
Many moons ago in a Fort Worth wine bar with my wife and another couple…
Big cowboy walks in with the massive belt buckle and $500 Stetson on. He looks around, places hands on hips and proceeds to shout in a VERY loud voice to the person behind the bar “Y’all got any Silver Oak in here?”
I will never forget the cringe I felt, the look on my wife’s face or the dead silence that fell upon the room.

Chris Seiber:Give me a little more color here – was he just cracking a joke, or did he actually think Port came from Portland (despite being himself from Portand)?
Pretty sure he was joking but also pretty sure he wanted to drink Port. He settled on Macallan’s 18. We had a brief discussion about Portlandia before he went back to his table. The regular bar tender (who is a serious conspiracy theorist BTW) had stepped out for a smoke so I think someone from the back was covering for him. Nearby SFO…
So when he went back to his table, please tell me there were 3 other people there and that the 4 glasses of port weren’t all for him…
I was going to offer him a shot of Chartreuse and Drambuie but I thought that would be patronizing.
Well, he WAS a patron!
Then you should have offered him a shot of Patron!
Mike Reff:I had some guy come into the bar last night where I was working and in front of an entire bar full of beer and spirits ask me “Give me a shot?”
I ask him… "Seriously, you want ME to give you a shot (as I glance over the entire shelf of spirits)
I said to him you should think a little and then I will take your order.
he then orders a Glenlivet neat…
Did you put it that way? “You should think a little and then I will take your order?”
Yup I have been bartending off and on for 10 years, and when you come into a bar you should know how to order. End of story
I was going to offer him a shot of Chartreuse and Drambuie but I thought that would be patronizing.
This brings back memories. How about when they ask “what’s good?”
Mike Reff:I had some guy come into the bar last night where I was working and in front of an entire bar full of beer and spirits ask me “Give me a shot?”
I ask him… "Seriously, you want ME to give you a shot (as I glance over the entire shelf of spirits)
I said to him you should think a little and then I will take your order.
he then orders a Glenlivet neat…
Did you put it that way? “You should think a little and then I will take your order?”
Yup I have been bartending off and on for 10 years, and when you come into a bar you should know how to order. End of story
I was going to offer him a shot of Chartreuse and Drambuie but I thought that would be patronizing.
??? Obviously he wanted Jager. How could you not know? You just shamed him into the scotch…
Back quite some years ago, I was sitting at a bar where my friend was a bartender. A nice looking blond walks in and the conversation pretty much went as follows:
My friend asks her if he could get her something.
Her response, " what do you have?"
My friend, “Pretty much everything - we’re a bar”
Her, “Do you have beer?”
Me (drinking my beer and hiding my head so as not to laugh out loud)
My Friend: Yes we have several
Her: Thanks, nevermind I’ll just have a white wine spritzer
A nice looking blond walks in
And you were paying attention to the conversation?
Lou Recupero:A nice looking blond walks in
And you were paying attention to the conversation?
Didn’t say I wasn’t looking at the people having the conversation

I’m sitting at a hotel bar this week. Guy walks up and says, “four glasses of Port, please.” Girl looks at him like he’s got three eyes. I lean over and ask the guy, “you’re a Port drinker?” He says, “of course, I’m from Portland.”
Was it the Woodman? He’s the only one I know who drinks wine in that part of Seattle.