Opinion on wine trade

Would love anyone to opine on the following…

Recently I offered a '10 Hillside, a '10 Les Pavots and a '07 Marcassin pinot for a '12 Screaming Eagle.

Too much, too little, about fair??

it’s not even in the same stratosphere

Is the screagle a double mag? Otherwise i think you will be screwed by 1.5 liters assuming all bottles involved are 750 ml

Your relative cost and fmv are very far apart.

Hillside 425 Marcassin 350 Pavot 175 = $950
screagle 2200

If you have the screagle I will trade you for 2 of each.

Release cost as follows:
Hillside - 250, Les Pavots 175, Marcassin 125 = $550 (my cost).

Screagle release cost I believe was $850.

Current market value a whole other story.

If both parties are satisfied, then it’s all good.

If not, maybe you should offer a kidney…?

have to go by current market
what else can you do?

Current market value is all that matters. You are asking for a large gift. Double your allocations and you might get a sniff…

Many thanks. I threw in a Quilceda Creek.

I think it’s a done deal.

lucky you. Even at release cost it doesn’t even match up. Is this just a post to brag about a “win”?

Absolutely not. Why would I brag about something like this. I don’t ever trade wine - it was a serious question.

crazy trade. They are leaving $1,000 to $1,500 (just todays value) on the table.

Hillside - 250, Les Pavots 175, Marcassin 125 = $550 (my cost).
Winebid value - Hillside $310, Les Pavots $200, Marcassin $180/$200
Screagle release cost I believe was $850
Winebid S.E. 2012 $2,145

In another 5 years, the Screagle will likely be over 3 while the others wont move much.

On winebid? Maybe. But i think these four bottles will be empty by then.

sorry but if you don’t ever trade wine…well you get point

If you can make deals like this, you should start trading wine more often. champagne.gif

My guess is your counterpart balked and that’s why you’re here.

I’ll buy your buddy’s screagle for $1K a bottle up to 12. Then he can buy whatever he wants.

Nope …done deal.

But thanks for your opinion.

Geez, Andrew’s taking some heat.
Personally, if I were trading with a friend over wines that were not bought many years ago I would consider what was paid just as much as market value, probably settling on a compromise.
Despite the fact that the singular Screagle could be sold for more out on the market maybe neither of these guys are sellers and each doesn’t have easy access to the other’s wine label. If I had the Hillside, Les Pavots, Marcassin, and Quilceda I wouldn’t consider giving up all four a slam dunk win. Using market value for Screagle means one might be inclined to pay that for it when in reality most of us would be more likely to pay market for the other four than we would be for Screagle.

And not everyone thinks in terms of money left on the table, or worries about it.