Opening a Double Magnum - could use help re: opening and pouring

I’m opening a 2010 Sojourn Pinot Noir Ridgetop for my 70th birthday.

Can I open this bottle the regular way? What about pouring the wine? Any special tricks to this? Will I need an assistant?


I would leave it on the counter and tilt the bottle, pouring into decanters or similar vessels. An assistant is up to you but doesn’t hurt

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You should be able to open it with a normal corkscrew with ease. I don’t think you should need an assistant unless you yourself struggle to lift the bottle by yourself, in which case, help can be a big plus. Pouring from a 3L can definitely get tiring after a while and accuracy pouring can be a challenge. Some people opt to get a decanter and fill it with some of the wine and pour guests out of the decanter instead of the bottle. Though pouring wine directly from a big bottle has a certain festive flair to it. I find pour discs can help with accuracy and pour amounts with larger bottles.

Happy early birthday and enjoy the celebration!


Another option is to pour for people from the last 750ml or so out of the bottle and leave it on display next to the decanted wine.

There was advice offered for a 3L BYO situation awhile back.

Happy Birthday!

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