Won’t have time to watch this until this evening, but saw it on facebook earlier this morning. Looks good.
Thanks for the link.
I saw it last night and it was excellent. Among other things, it gave one a real sense of the pioneering spirit and the attitude of mutual assistance shared by the early growers and winemakers. Those are sadly things that some newcomers to the valley don’t appreciate and that some “aficionados” of Oregon wine find provincial and backward.
Bob the supportive nature, mutual assistance and cooperation between “competing” wineries and staff was something I found surprising and quite positive several years ago. Even with hundreds of new labels, that spirit somehow perseveres.
Provincial and backward? One tidbit gleaned from the WA/Pancho debacle is how much some producers elsewhere (i.e.: some D.O.s of Spain) truly wish there was more cooperation. When producers work together to publicize and support a type of wine and/or region, that seems to be a winning strategy. Just look at the US version of La Paulee and IPNC.
My wife and I thought it was a very well done and a very informative documentary. My wife works in the wine industry and I feel I’m pretty knowledgeable about the history of Oregon wine and we both learned quite a few things.
I really enjoyed the program. Being a contemporary, I have followed them from the beginning. The let’s grow the pie for all to share is a spirit I love about this area. All their efforts paid off for which we all can be thankful.
Very nicely done and I really appreciated that they included a few pioneers who don’t get much press these days, such as Ron Vuylsteke and Charles Coury.
Very moving. There is hope for us philosophy majors.
I missed it but from the “Old Timer” in my office I heard it was great, and gave credit to all that we follow. Can’t wait to see it. And there still is a sense of sharing in our little valley
Cheers !
I couldn’t catch it the other night but will watch it soon enough. Sounds good. And I can say with assurance from a new producer’s perspective that the community spirit is alive and well in Oregon, mostly anyway.