Grasl Cru meets a passing bottle of red at table, “When its late in the evening, And the music’s seeping through”
In our case, early REM (cue the nostalgia among us Georgia transplants and lone native…)
Grasl Cru meets a passing bottle of red at table, “When its late in the evening, And the music’s seeping through”
In our case, early REM (cue the nostalgia among us Georgia transplants and lone native…)
The glass must have been singing “Fall on Me” to the bottle. And even if it wasn’t the End of the World as We Know it, the glass clearly is no longer a Perfect Circle, and I’m sure you weren’t all Shiny Happy People as a result.
There She Goes Again. In the Aftermath, there was some Bang and Blame, but ultimately, Everybody Hurts when a wineglass goes down. Fortunately, a new pour will Make It All OK
(thanks google… )
I think he forgot the URL for a few months. We will probably see him again on BerserkerDay 16, but then not again until May, perhaps?
Fun fact: Alfert used to break stems weekly, sometimes multiple times a week. I urged him to post this thread to share his gracefulness and, since posting, hasn’t broken a single stem!
Well done, Steve. How did I miss Everybody Hurts?
That’s because I’m out of stems and just drinking from the decanter.
I think of you guys and this thread every time I have even a near-miss . . . .
I don’t know who the culprit is, but I found this in the trash this morning. Just yesterday several family members were going on about how they never break a glass when handwashing, and how handwashing stems is “so much safer” than machine washing. Karma!
Good catch. That’s a recipe for giving someone a nasty cut.