Older Yellow-Tail Tuna with Green Peas with CalChardonnay

Carollee found a large piece of older yellow-tail tuna in the freezer, I trimmed all four edges and split it and put in the refrigerator. We had it for for dinner tonight, pan grilled in blood orange olive oil. It didn’t have a lot of flavor and was a little dry, but tasted all right with a bit of homade tartare sauce. Veggie was baby green peas boiled in sugared water with chopped garlic, rosemary, and mint. All was enjoyed with a 2001 Flora Springs Napa Valley Chardonnay - cork colored a rough quarter inch, fill still under the capsule; good pear and citrus fruit with adequate acidity; with a medium long fruity finish.

Then for dessert we shared a half a Crisp Pink apple with a glass of La Vielle Prune each. It made an enjoyable finish to a nice meal.