Save the date Sat. June 16th
at Royal East in Cambridge . 7PM
Indicate if you plan to join in the fun?
So far, if you see your name a (?) you need to confirm yourself. If you see a number AND a (?) I have you coming but need to know how many, if any you are bringing.
Ron 2
Family +4
Kevin 3
Doug 2
Jamie 4
Steve Saxon
Ted 2
Serge 2
Jay 2
Mont 3
Brent Young 2
Gus Peter C 2
Might be an interesting trip for Father’s Day weekend. But there are important questions that need answerin’
Is it safe to bring women (my wife) if Serge is going to be there?
Does the restaurant have the worst web site in history, or does it just look that way?
Do you think you can get the Red Sox to change their schedule and have a home game because I always like to go there and root for the other team?
If I bring the official Berserker helmet, will you be photographed with it on?
Is Joyce coming to average up?
Can I wear a Jets Tebow jersey to the event? How about a Revis jersey, since I do not have a Tebow?
Given the e-mails I’m getting let me clarify.
I am NOT worried the number of folks attending; bring your wife, partner or friends. Do not worry about about the pours as there will be plenty of wine. If you like - bring duplicate wines. I expect the restaurant will give us our own space.
Carrie and those who have PM-ed, ALL are welcome… Next month I’ll need to actually do a count for the restaurant. I, and assume Serge, would love to meet new folk and I am thinking this will be sort of Berserker like although some E-Bob-ers not here will attend.