Oh no, I just learned I'm a placomusophile; newly organized Champagne cap photos

HAHA. When I double-checked, I realized the ambiguousness of my poor writing, was amused, and left it.


Example of the mixed media art that my folks had done with caps. Artist is Rebecca Humphrey.

On a rainy day, I filled some coin cases with caps. Most I can read, some I just know, but some are a mystery to me. On another quiet rainy day I’ll put some arrows and ask your help to identify some.


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Making a couple of gifts for friends- most of the veuve caps come from them. These are the mockups… just need to assemble in the frames


Mine ain’t fancy. Just in a large bowl. Maybe 400 in here? All good memories, but not as fancy or cool as youze other guys.

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Looks like possibly a cool bowl, similar from what little I can see to some hand painted ceramics I got in Spain

Thanks for the memories! If my math is correct, we’re over 900 caps, and that doesn’t include any magnum covers, which are too big for these coin keepers. We’re not drinking nearly as much these days, so there will only be a gradual increase going forward.

I love the old Vilmart caps. They were one of my favorites. The newer “V” design doesn’t do it for me.

Amour de Deutz is capped by an amulet, complete with a cord attached.


Y’all kill me. I have no interest in saving mementos to the ongoing economic exsanguination my Champagne consumption has wrought.


That’s fantastic Warren and those Amour caps with cord also look great on a Christmas tree :slight_smile:

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Hey Cleotis, I done lernt a new word!

That’s great! Tell me more about the display cases you’re using. I’ve been gluing tacks on the inside of the cap and using cork board. I’d love to have something is little less time consuming.

Hey, @Frank_Murray_III you are not alone!

I don’t have mine blinged like T-Now……mine is just thrown into a talavera serving dish. I have more than my last post, the dish be about full. Gonna need a bigger one again soon.

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BTW, your comment about ‘drinking less’…this has sat with me for several days now. That was telling me something so I wanted to acknowledge it and reply.

For me, I’ve been thinking a lot about that, too. And have been drinking less, giving a lot of thought to how consumption (at different levels, even stopping for a while) fits into the rest of my lifestyle, which is very health driven. I’m sure this can be a separate thread, which I know has been done too at different times by some people, but I just wanted to say I heard you above, and it’s been sitting with me and how I think about my own consumption.

I don’t want ot be a zealot or teetotaler. I don’t have strict or inflexible rules.
We were splitting a bottle most nights, often more on weekends. We changed our diets about six months ago to cut back on carbs, and the EtOH was part of that. I lost 10 pounds without trying hard, and sleep and feel much better. We still drink really well. I’ll open wine in restaurants, friends’ houses or on vacation, but rarely (or never) with just the two of us at home. It gives me an excuse to open something special every time.
I look forward to drinking some great wines with you and yours someday.


We have a ‘brocante’ in the street twice a year - each house can have a stall out front selling old stuff for a small fee that goes to the neighbourhood association…

We sell our capsules at the event to one of two collectors (whoever comes first) - they are usually delighted to get rarer growers etc from us. We sell them five for a euro. :slight_smile:

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