Oh no, I just learned I'm a placomusophile; newly organized Champagne cap photos

HAHA. When I double-checked, I realized the ambiguousness of my poor writing, was amused, and left it.


Example of the mixed media art that my folks had done with caps. Artist is Rebecca Humphrey.

On a rainy day, I filled some coin cases with caps. Most I can read, some I just know, but some are a mystery to me. On another quiet rainy day I’ll put some arrows and ask your help to identify some.

Making a couple of gifts for friends- most of the veuve caps come from them. These are the mockups… just need to assemble in the frames

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Mine ain’t fancy. Just in a large bowl. Maybe 400 in here? All good memories, but not as fancy or cool as youze other guys.

Looks like possibly a cool bowl, similar from what little I can see to some hand painted ceramics I got in Spain