NYC Berserkerfest Saturday, Oct 20th BBQ in Suburbia


A few of us live in White Plains. One guy loves fruity wine, and I like… well, see my signature. Looking forward to meeting you.

You’re making it on Friday though, right?

I’m in.

Atta Boy!!! [cheers.gif]

Working on a hall pass for one or both days. Hoping to actually get the wife to join, but you know how hard that is for me!

In +1.

I’m in.

Leo, If its not sold out yet, Count me in +1 (my brother). Looking forward to it …

Always space for you!!! [cheers.gif]

As discussed, I will make it if I can. Not yet sure where I will be that weekend. I will let you know as we get closer.

Whoops, we’re out.

Leo, if there is still room I might be a contender…

Looks like I will be out of town. My best to everyone…

I think I’m still a go, but my + 2 are out.

We’re also out. My niece is visiting this weekend.

Can wife and I come too?


Mike, drew and the rest, YES

Well, I suck. Can’t make this one either. :frowning:

Sorry guys. Have fun- look forward to seeing the photos and writeups later.

I’ll just have to put the Truchot Clos Sorbes and Hirztberger Singerriedel back into my cellar

Well if you’re not going then I’m not going either.