Next of Kyn No ~ 3 offer is out, and I have officially moved off (one of) Manfred’s waiting lists. For those that participated in the “How-quick-did-the-mailing-list-fill-up” thread, I signed up less than a minute after the offer hit my inbox only to find myself on the waitlist. According to the mailer: “Production has increased by a meaningful amount, at least on a percentage basis. In real terms quantities are still extremely limited though. But we are happy to be able to add a small group of folks from our ever growing waiting list and transform them into active NoK imbibers.” Hopefully others were/will be equally delighted to see something other than a Dear John postcard.
Pricing appears to be consistent with prior offerings – $1,100 for 3 750s and 1 mag. 80% syrah, 14% grenache and 6% roussanne, and Manfred compares it to the 2008 (No ~2) in his letter. All of the CT notes are for the 2007 (No ~1), and provide ample reason to be optimistic. I’m curious, though… has anyone popped No ~2 yet?
i was a mere 20 minutes after the offer (i shouldn’t have read the email first), so i’m sure i’m 20 years away. no biggie. have plenty of other awesome wines to drink whilst i wait. that’s crazy that you were 1 min and only received an offer for the third vintage. glad to hear it though.
Was the offering an e-mail or snail mail? I was 14 minutes, but hope to make the list someday (I too, took the time to read, and was distracted by a World Cup game)
I had NOK 1 at one of Justin Bonner’s tastings and was shocked at the quality from such young vines.
I popped two bottles of the 2008 to date and IMO, the 08 was a bit of an improvement over the VERY well made 2007. While they share some similar characteristics to SQN (density, mouthfeel, balance) they are distinctly their own in flavor profile. Could they or do they stack up the similarly priced SQN barrel aged wines? I’d say yes though again…they’re of a different mold. The fruit seems to shine through a bit brighter in the NoK’s as opposed to the more masculine syrah found in the SQN’s. I’m looking forward to popping the 09s.
I feel the same way. I signed up about 5 minutes after the offer hit, but I was recently rummaging in my cellar and discovered more bottles of great wine than I can drink in m,any years to come. I can wait. I’ve been on the SQN waiting list for about 6 years now and if I am really lucky, I will get to buy some for my yet-to-born grandchild’s wedding rehersal dinner.
I hadn’t read the second sentence when I hit reply right away and got offered the first year. This past Spring I finally made the SQN list after ~9 years on the waiting list.
I’m very to see how these wines progress through the vintages. I’ve had the '07 on 2 occasions thanks to a generous friend and enjoyed it immensely. I’ve yet to try to '08. I never did receive my mailer or e-mail for this one, but got the reminder e-mail saying that the cut off was coming! Thank God for FedEx. My one purchase of the year. -mJ