New Wine Preservation sustem - QikVin

Siphoning sounds like too much work, but maybe because I’m unfamiliar with doing it. I guess it’s just one tube to clean. And the Qikvin container once empty.

Really wish we could replace all these silly wine preservation gadgets with wider adoption of 375ml and 500ml bottles.

It’s easy. I have jars of left over PBW wine equipment cleaner under the sink. A home winemaking size of that or equivalent product is cheap. A big roll of oxygen tubing is cheap. Cut a section just long enough. To clean, just rinse it out. Then draw up the solution most of the way, thumb over to stop it flowing out. Bring the low end high so the solution runs down and coats the other end. Back and forth a bit. Get some over the outside that touched wine. Rinse out and hang up so the ends hang down.

I only do that occasionally, but it’s good to have as an option.

Thanks Wes. You are a reliable font of useful knowledge.

similar concept with eto wine. just different names really. Can someone share their experience with Wine Squirrel/eto wine/QikVin?

David, I don’t know you, I’ve never met you, and yet somehow I both love and hate you at the same time.

An old thread, but the only one my search for “QikVin” turned up here. I recently purchased one and have to say it’s an impressive device. The design, engineering and materials are excellent. It’s easy to use and clean, and best of all it does what it claims to do. No air contacts the wine after decanting into the carafe, and so far my tests confirm that it’s preserving the taste just as I’d hoped. I’d encourage checking it out.