New Product: Fontaine (Bennuaine) Whisk(e)y & Spirits Tumbler / Stemless Glass

Hey everyone! Berserker Day has come early!

Today is launch day for…


On BD 14 the community spoke loudly but politely:

So, I went to work.

The first thing to talk about is that when I made this stemless design, I did not want to compromise on the performance of the stemmed glass. It was critical that drinkers would have the same nosing experience from both the stem and tumbler designs. That meant I would have to keep the same core shape and only adjust the base. Turns out that came with a ton of challenges from an aesthetics, usability, hand-feel, and production point of view. Seriously, every manufacturer laughed at how difficult this design is to make. There is so much glass material at the base. Like the stemless makes an impression with lightness, this makes an impression in heft.

The second topic is pricing, and this will make everyone quite happy. The stemmed glass is not cheap - a reality that is impossible to avoid with a hand-made in Europe piece of Titanium Crystal. The tumbler is much more affordable. Not having a stem reduces the need for the most skilled craftsman. Because of the lack of stem, the glass will be machine-made. If that concerns you, the only noteworthy point of difference in construction is that the lip of the glass will be a bit thicker compared to the stem to be more durable. Lastly, while it will still be lead-free crystal, there is no titanium - without a stem plus the ever so slightly thicker walls, there is less of a need for a high-strength additive. I’m happy to report that the tumbler will be half the cost of the Titanium Stem.


  • Same core interior shape and performance as the stem
  • Lead-Free Crystal
  • Machine Made
  • Cut and Polished lip
  • Chonky!!! North of 280 grams. Over half a pound. 3x the weight of the stem. Super hefty.


  • 33% OFF!!!

  • ONLY $16!!!

BOOM!!! A heavy promo as a thanks for pre-ordering. Go nuts.

No promo code needed, just click here


  • This is a pre-order. Planned for end of September.

The design is finalized. This is it. I just have one more sample to validate a third type of crystal before placing the order which will be air-freighted to the USA. Of course, there might be unforeseen delays, but I’ll keep everyone updated if anything happens.

Thank you for the support!

It’s crazy how fast this has all come together and I literally could not have done it without you pushing me along.

So, as requested…

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Order in - thanks!

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No, thank you!! Excited to get you the glass!

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Moving to Commerce Corner where it needs to be, also, BOOO to @BryanGreen who told me there would never be a stemless version!!! I should kick his butt out but the product is too good

I didn’t say never, just that I prefer a stem! And well, I still do. But that said, I think this is the best design a tumbler could be :smiley:

In for 8

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In for 2. May buy 2 more as a gift.

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Thanks so much guys. Appreciate all the orders coming in through the entire day.

Super excited to get this glass into your hands and hear your thoughts - especially in comparison to the stem!

I’ll try a couple, I’m one of the non-vocal that couldn’t do the stem.

at least you weren’t a sucker like me who was non-vocal about the stem but ALSO bought the ones with the stem, because AT THE TIME THEY WERE THE ONLY OPTION AVAILABLE

Freakin’ Bryan. :rage:

Just for posterity when the next version arrives after all of our “suggestions”

Love you Todd!! And now you know how amazing stemmed whisky glasses are :wink:

hehehehe :smiling_imp:

Me saying the design is finalized was specific to this design to reassure that there will be no delivery delays due to shape changing… Fundamentally, the interior shape of this glass, and how it performs, will always be my ideal form for a universal style glass for drinking all forms of whisk(e)y in 1-2oz portions.

That said, there may be a sake glass or a sherry glass or a ~ insert specific alcoholic beverage here ~ in the future! If any group is vocal enough, who knows what will be prioritized!

Can we get a dribble version to send to @MChang as a gag gift?

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I love the original but I admit to being intrigued by this.

Go for it! I think they have two different use cases. This glass has a much more casual form factor.

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Do you have a picture next to a standard glencairn?

Quick phone shot for ya

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These glasses are closer to what I’m looking for. Actually, they are exactly what I’m looking for; unfortunately they are no longer produced or sold. :smiling_face_with_tear:

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Glasses will start shipping Friday!

Please note if you ordered Titanium Stems to go with your Tumblers, those might take an few extra days to process. Our fulfillment partner recently notified us that they are moving to a new warehouse this week and next, which includes transferring the stems to the new location the tumblers are now at.

Tons of pre-orders to get through, so you should receive tracking within the next week.

Any update? I bought for a gift. Thanks