New bling champagne or just a sneaky music promo?




Is it on your store’s shelf ?

There’s only ONE salamanzar remaining! We better hurry!
Ok, I need only 10 people to pitch in $275,000 each so we can buy it.
Who’s with me!?!?!?!?!


No, Ray, we don’t DO bling…

hello sales,

i will like to order for below items from your store.kindly let me
have the total cost plus the shipping cost to JAMAICA,NY,11434,USA also let me know the payment method acceptable for the transaction i.e. visa or

ITEM:LeonVeres Le bilionaire champagne current vintage

24 bottles

i will be very grateful if you get back to me asap.


It looks like a bowling pin had sex with a Furby.

It can’t be better than Santana DVX.