Nacional Treasures


I kinda looked like the one below for the week after [wow.gif] :


I believe you had a case for sale in 12 of the 63 for around $2k. I kept meaning to pick up a bottles 63 is my birth year. Alas you sold out and the pirates raised the price beyond what is comfortable now.


That was one thing we kept mentioning…how balanced they all were.

And I know what you mean about wine-like, as we talked about exactly that, I’m pretty sure it was Jeremy who said he’d love to see them actually make a wine to see what it was like…

Noval has been making dry wines for a number of years now (2004 was the first commercially released vintage). Some are 100% estate fruit and some are not all from the main Quinta. There have been some very nice ones and some average ones in the line up, which spans not too expensive to pricey. Lets just say their Ports are more consistent than their dry wines.

I love what Dirk Niepoort does with table wines Andy and suspect Noval could make something pretty special off the Nacional plot if they wanted to.

Blair, no matter how bad I feel in the morning I know I’ll never look as bad as Gary Busey.

They may be able to make a dry wine from the Nacional plot, but then there would be no Port if they did that. It’s only like 2.5 hectares in size.

I love what Dirk is doing with dry wines and Ports. Even Dirk’s whites are darn good, especially the Redoma Reserva and the rare Coche.

We won’t tell the surgeon general.