Most bottles of a single vintage of a wine

Having tried the VCC 2014 a few years ago, I realized it was something really special. Bought four cases on close out to go with another case and three magnums. Next best is 52 bottles.


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I top out at two cases for a handful of wines.

Ulysse Collin 2017 Maillons. I think I’m down to 2.5 cases from @4.
There are a few things I have approximately two cases of.

I’m a total lightweight in this category, at least compared to the guy with 40 cases of 08 DP. I very rarely buy more than three bottles of anything because there are so many wines to try with so little time and space for them. I never buy a full case of anything and I make exceptions buying 4-6 bottles of a single vintage I know I’ll like over time like Pegau, Vilmart CdC, Pol Roger, and the occasional qpr overachieving red Burgundy such as Felettig, Voillot, Dom Bart, etc.


Variety is the spice of life.


8 cases of 2013 Musar. My local Total Wine had these mispriced at $20/bottle (I think they thought it was the Musar Jeune?). I bought their whole stock (1 case) thinking I had lucked out on a great deal. Then they restocked but didn’t fix the price. I kept buying and they kept restocking, and after a few more iterations that’s how I ended up with 8 cases.


Mostly 2 cases a few times. Most recently Turley Old Vines Zin, JB Neufeld Mourvedre, Cultura Kairos, 2016 Graham’s Port. The Kairos was discounted due to Covid back-log, and I guess JBN was also, though I got that on Berserker day a couple years ago. The Graham’s was a Grocery Outlet deal at $30. I kept going back to stores in Yakima and buying out 6 at a time.

I’m not counting home grown wine I have made, which has topped out at 2 barrels of Syrah in 2017/2018. Those cases have been daily drinkers for past 4-5 years. 2020 Syrah is still mostly in carboys, but there are 7-8 of those still bulk aging. I skipped a few years for obvious reasons, but hope to make more in 2024.

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I used to also buy three bottles of a wine until I opened one and then it was “OMG I only have two bottles left!! I should have bought more!!!”
Now I’m at six bottles of a wine in most cases, and I try to not exceed 12 bottles. Champagne is my greatest weakness though, it’s like Pokémon, gotta catch ‘em all!


Insane hoarding. As in brilliantly insane. I’m very jealous. I have a mere six.

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years ago this same thread topic stopped when Rob Rosania said he had 500 cases of 96 Salon. Just 6 bottle cases, though.


Currently 72 bottles of 2012 CdC. I had more 08 DP, but have drunk some.


Is that you, Craig, saying, “No, still not enough pepper”?

I’m also concerned that the person in the foreground is drinking white wine with a G&T.


However many bottles you have of a given wine, this guy has more: Wines from 'MilkMan1' - CellarTracker

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Wow! Cool mouth-and-eyes-wide :open_mouth:numbers here making me :nauseated_face:.
Waiting, and won’t be surprised, if a few here comes up with more single vintage-producer bottles than I have all wines in total.

Did they every figure it out?..

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Yeah eventually. I cut myself off after 8 cases because as much as I like cheap Musar I don’t know what I would do with more than that. They restocked 2 cases after my last order, maybe somebody else got in on the deal after me. Then a month or two later they noticed and jacked the price up to $60.


I bought a lot of Mike Smith wines throughout his portfolio for the 21 vintage

I agree. I’ve posted on what a large percentage of my wines are single bottles. My goal is to try every wine that is made every year. Obviously not achievable for multiple reasons. If you use an absurdly low estimate of 1,000,000 different wines bottled for sale every year, you still need to taste 2700 a day. No can do.

I haven’t kept exact track, but think I’ve set my own record for most bottles of a single vintage over the past year (or maybe a little more), which is weird considering I’ve been drinking the stuff for 60+ years:
2013 Silver Mountain Pinot Noir Estate, Santa Cruz Mountains. It seems like it’s been on Last Bottle / First Bottle for over a year. I’m sure I’ve bought at least five cases, but given a lot of it away. I’ve still got 17 bottles. It’s still for sale for twenty bucks!

Dan Kravitz


That is awesome!

I rarely buy more than 4 of a wine, mostly 2, but I also will buy every single bottle if its a screaming deal and a wine I like. Regrettably (or thankfully) that has not been 8 cases yet.

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