Mortgage Default Correlation Debacle, Commemorative Dinner

DATE: Tuesday, September 15, 7:00PM.
VENUE: Peking Duck House, 236 East 53rd Street.
THEME: Anything you wish. Sierra Car Crash 2005 ringers (one per cuvee) would be fun, if not too many.
GUESTS OF HONOR: Andy Raffle and Scott Manlin can dine for free, if they promise not to select Chicken Little appetizers. Semi-professional wine critics wishing to attend will be reimbursed for travel costs.

Victor Hong and guest
Jay Miller (the one with a palate which all can respect)
Jay Hack
Walt Hoehler
Mark Golodetz
Michael Sopher
Henry Kahn

The thin skins off these fatty ducks will surely beat the thin skins found elsewhere.

Too funny Victor. Won’t you be at the stove?

Freemott is pulling double duties, on that night. So, order your dinner from a different shop, to be safe.

Think you will get better traction here than over on eBob?

LOL - is this for real??

September 15 will be the one-year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy, eighteen-month one of the Bear Stearns collapse [cry.gif] , and three-year one of the famed Negam-Aki Default Correlation Debacle Thread [winner.gif] .

If I was in the neighborhood I’d bring some of your favorite Fox Creek [stirthepothal.gif]

JSM, of course. neener

Well of course, I’m sure you drank all I shipped you already

I honestly believe that Victor has earned an 89 La Mission HB for his calls the last three years. Sorry mine are gone. flirtysmile

On e-Bay now. [tease.gif] High-score JSM gems will be collector items, just like beanie babies and Marilyn Merlot. Cabbage Patch dolls should be the official avatar of high-score JSM gems.

But much more important, it’s my 58th Birthday. I am really torn about what to bring.

Happy Birthday Upcoming.

I’d love to attend this dinner. I learned more from the Neg-Am thread than I did in 4 years as a Finance major in college.

If Victor ever found himself in Napa, I’d gladly pull any bottle I own for him.

Are you going to organize a euro/dollar parity offline on Sep 21?

Jay had sent me a very funny note suggesting some possible wines to taste here.

We should have one woody bottle, in honor of all the lumber no longer used to frame mini-mansions. We should bring a good but perennially overpriced wine, which might now be available at a decent price, sans mortgage. We should bring a 2000 Pichon Lalande, to see where all the green stuff at now-defunct banks has gone.

Someone should bring a Left Bank or Right Bank biggie, so that we can bet if it fails before this weekend.

And just so this other Jay gets his word in…

I originally suggested wines that were highly rated but have since fallen apart.

But now I’m thinking that bubbles are the way to go.

Cult wines are the way to go. Like mortgages (and the underlying assets) there is no correlation between their price and their value.

While making a delivery this afternoon in Midtown, I ran into a guy who looked exactly like you…but much younger than that age." onclick=";return false;

Perhaps these careless, irresponsible, imprudent, wasteful spendthrifts might bus our tables.