Monthly check-in: Cellar inventory reduction plan

Pretty successfully hovering around 600 bottles. Hoping to maintain that for the next decade or so…


November 30 here in Sri Lanka, so able to report out for the month. Not a good one. But I’ll be be headed to the US for Xmas and hope to pull a bunch of corks to improve my numbers!
In: 7
Out: 0
Net: + 7

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After drinking a stunning Christian Moreau Les Clos 2014 last month, I was unable to resist offers for the 2020 and the 2021. So:

10 in and 10 out in November.

-19 for the month.

Andremily release teasing as the last buy of the year.

Up 32. This was turning out to be a great month except for those pesky three extra cases I bought.


November 2023

7 out
0 in

down 7 for the month
down 14 for the year
down 31 from when this thread started


I am still above my desired inventory range of 500-600

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But you’re getting close! :+1:

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Statistically irrelevant?

Good month!

Out: 20
In: 1

+22 for November
+168 YTD

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8 men out, zero in.

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Your cellar resisting the plan.

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curious what one bottle you just had to have.

Hey Dave, I get the feeling you are posting in the wrong thread!

Cheers Brodie

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1999 Hermitage, Eric Texier (IYKYK)

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Meant for Dave Dryoff!

November: 16 out, 36 in - net 20 increase. Worst month in almost two years, but I have excuses… Bedrock winter release, Silver Mountain case special, Briceland Thanksgiving open house, and the list goes on.

In 20
Out 31

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Me too. Almost every month.


I didn’t track how many i consumed, but I do know that I didn’t buy (outside of restaurants) a single bottle of wine in November.

A miracle.

Although my wine-diseased brain kicked in and my first thought on realizing that I hadn’t bought anything was “Wow! That means I can go out and buy a bunch of stuff this month!”