
In-Store Tasting Saturday 6/13/09

Dogfish Head Squall 750ml
Oak aged, unfiltered, 90-minute IPA
Hoppy brown color with a sweet malty flavor and texture. Decent.
I remember when 90 Minute came in 750s originally. That was “the sh!t.” This beer was a murky, less exciting copy.

Great Divide Brewing 15th Anniversary 750ml
Wood aged Double IPA
This baby was refreshingly fruity and smooth. Bright body, clear color, and overall a tasty bottle o’ beer

Great Divide Brewing Oak Aged Yeti 750ml
American White Oak Barrels were used to age this bomber.
Nearly black color on the pour gave a hint to the density of this beer. Chocolate (cacao nibs) and spice (cayenne pepper!) were used in the brewing recipe. The former is readily apparent while the pepper doesn’t come on until well after the beer goes down the pipe. You feel warmer, but you don’t feel the heat in your mouth.

Cascade Brewing Sang Royal 750ml
oh snap
The best domestic sour red I’ve tasted. Period.
Sour Bing cherries, bretty funk, and a luminously delicious quality that I can’t put a finger on make this “beer” an unbelievable bargain (about $20 a 750ml). I know LOTS of $20 wine that isn’t worth the cost of the bottle and this beer totally blows them away.
Fermented with wild yeast by a winemaker turned brewer, this beer is terrific.