Mixed Case of Raveneau (2012 - 2019, various bottles)

Continuing with my collection depletion, I’m offering the following case of Raveneau. Each of these wines was purchased on release from a very reputable LWS, and stored in my temperature controlled cellar until 2022, at which point they were moved to temperature controlled offsite - which is where they are now. Note the wax capsules are in various states of “chipped-ness”. Some have little chips, some are in perfect shape, others are quite broken (unfortunately the Clos is one of the more broken ones, with all of the wax around the “corner” broken - I can share pictures, but the bottles have always been kept at correct temperatures).

I’d like to move the entire case as one sale, and am willing to offer a great price to do so. I need to get this sold, so make an offer, but here is what I’m offering and thinking:

  • 1 2017 Raveneau Vaillons Premier Cru (W-S $510)
  • 1 2014 Raveneau Chablis (W-S $348)
  • 1 2016 Raveneau Vaillons Premier Cru (W-S $589)
  • 1 2016 Raveneau Butteaux Premier Cru (W-S $439)
  • 2 2012 Raveneau Vaillons Premier Cru (W-S $500)
  • 1 2015 Raveneau Chablis (W-S No result, $348?)
  • 1 2012 Raveneau Montee Premier Cru (W-S $450)
  • 1 2012 Raveneau Foret Premier Cru (W-S $518)
  • 1 2018 Raveneau Chablis (chipped capsule) (W-S $279)
  • 1 2019 Raveneau Butteaux Premier Cru (W-S $405)
  • 1 2018 Raveneau Clos Grand Cru (mostly broken wax capsule) (W-S $1,297)

W-S Total: $6,135, 25% off is $4,600 which I think is pretty nice at under $400 per bottle. However, if you have auction results that show I’m off on any of the above, or just want to make an offer - feel free. I want this sold, so don’t be shy.

Hey Jorge,

Where are these wines located?

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