Madoffs problems have multiplied 10 fold

Poor bastard, now even Al Sharpton and the ACTION Network is on his ass. [beg.gif] [beg.gif]


I’m almost, almost feeling bad for him on that note.

Next he’ll have to apologize to Jesse a`la South Park.

But still… [rofl.gif]

Madoff deserves everything that’s coming to him, but Al Sharpton is just a publicity seeking fool. I can’t stand him.

The only place where I didn’t mind him was on any of the Democrat Party Debates when he was running for something. He would just say the things you least expected and just makes the other candidates squirm when they were asked to respond. That was always priceless.

I am pissed off [diablo.gif] The same idiot SEC that was told multiple times that the guy was a crook, just cut a deal with Madoff. And it’s a sweetheart deal for Madoff!

I guess the idiots in the federal government didn’t want a trial and show the world in testimony how stupid and corupt they are! Now they are talking a deal will be done on the criminal side and he may get no jail time.