Lots of lurkers-to-posters lately...

fify [cheers.gif]

I am an engineer. Everything is a test. :wink:

Fixed it.

I think you might be right, I was planning on getting rid of my old 50 bottle cooler but that may become my white storage now.

I fondly recall receiving a very nice 72 bottle wine cooler for my birthday many years ago. I truly thought I was “all set.”


Been lurking for a few years and decided to jump in today because of this thread.

Really appreciative of all the things I’ve learned on this board. Thanks!

There are many people who have jobs that aren’t good for them to be public. Real names is a hold back. Although i see some pretty cryptic ways of getting around that… some that thought for sure wouldnt have passed the test i thought.

It’s great to have you and others join. This is a great place, and even many times more so if and when you get the opportunity to meet folks from WB in person and share wines with them.

Seconding Tyler. I post now and then, definitely lurk more, but am really thankful for what I’ve learned here.