Lay Flat Boxes

Anyone know where to buy lay-flat 12 bottle boxes for storage? I have an email in to Vinfolio, as I like their boxes quite a bit - but would like to cut them out as a middle man!
Google is leading me to boxes that take up too much room.


Try uline they have all kinds of boxes

We use Gorilla shippers. They lay flat and are easy to put together and take apart. But, they are shipping boxes, is that what you are looking for?

I’ve bought them from e beaver…

Thanks all. We have a leaning tower of disaster in one of the lockers right now.

Vinfolio’s boxes are great - particularly the lay flat mag boxes.

Unfortunately, I believe they are proprietary as I contacted the manufacturer a couple of months ago.
That said, Vinfolio may sell them to you, as they need to order quite a bit per manufacturing run.


What you seek is already there. You just need to ask.

Ha! CK said so too. In STL we have “suboptimal” boxes and Jacob has created a tower of California Cabernet that is threatening my burgs…I don’t even like having them close to each other!!!

You shouldn’t over ripe fruit is infectious. I discussed this with the boys a while ago because I keep vulturing all the lay flats from broken down shipments. They have now ordered their own and showed them to me this week. Have you checked lately ?

I have a few of those e Beaver boxes, and they’re ok. I find them a little more awkward to move around than regular case boxes. That’s one of the reasons I like these boxes. They are still fairly compact, but a lot easier to handle.

I’ll check the bottoms of mine tomorrow and let you know then. They are corrugated paper with inserts, but no insulation. They hold 12 bottles each and I stack them 7 high in my rack lacking cellar. They work really well.

Awesome, Charlie. Thank you. We buy similar wines with those Germans - fit those things ok? I have a couple German mags that are a ridiculously awkward size!

My friend Jim has them made. He is at West Palm Wines and he said he would be happy to sell you some. I will say that they hold all but the very longest (and I might add some are absurdly long) Riesling bottles. I have learned to put these longest bottles in the middle of the box and it will usually accommodate, albeit with a slight bulge. His phone #: 813-241-8587. email is I told him you might be contacting him today

Hope this helps.
